Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why I have no photos of Iowa City, IA

I spent the night in Iowa City, IA with a good friend who had lived in Brooklyn, but decided to give the quiet life in his hometown a try. The city is a college town. Very quaint. It's population is made up of a wet-behind-the-ear students who are all extremely attractive and full of zero life experiences. After arriving in town, I stopped off in this tiny bar in the middle of city center. The bartender was dressed in classic hipster garb, extremely self-assured, and arrogant as one can be. The patrons were no different. One day, I told myself, these people will be living in Williamsburg, and that is where they will make the transition into a complete fucking asshole.

It was raining heavily in Iowa City. Bad enough that taking the camera out didn't seem like a great idea. So I leave you with nothing but a couple of words rushed together with very little thought.

We went out that night to a 'townie bar.' It didn't seem like the place where the college kids go to tie one off. After a slew of drinks, the two of us headed home. I slept in a guest room in the basement. In the middle of the night, I drunkenly exited the bed and headed out in search of a bathroom. In old age, the bladder can no longer hold out till morning. The basement was pitch black. The door to the upstairs could not be found. Nor could the stairs. A decision, based on science, was made. If I pee'd on the concrete floor, it should evaporate before anyone wakes up in the morning. So that is what I did. I pulled my cock out and poured  what felt like two gallons of piss onto the cold hard floor. It was a horrible thing to do, but I didn't feel that way at the time. Only later, when I woke up the next morning and headed back out into the main area of the basement did I realize my error: they had a pet rabbit in a cage. He was a big sonofabitch... and he was soaking wet. So was all of the contents inside of his cage. My eyes widened. The realization rushed to me like the tidal wave of piss that washed over this poor bastard in the darkness of the night.

I loaded up my car. Said goodbye to the family. Thanked them for their hospitality, and was back on the road. Minneapolis would be next.

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