Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Minneapolis, MN

The unit PA from my last two jobs is from Minneapolis. He arrived with this arrogant notion that he would be an executive producer in a matter of days. This unit PA was a big fish in a little pond, and now he was a small fish again. Nevertheless, he waddled with the best of us, and in the end found some sobriety in his motives. I was leaving Iowa City, on my way to I-90 West, when I decided to head north for another hour to see where this kid came from. It was like heading to the hometown of one of your heroes, trying to find the sediment that made him into the man that he became. My thoughts were the opposite. I wanted to see where Minneapolis had done wrong with this fellow. And why did I have the burden of teaching him the notion of being humble. In the end, Minneapolis seemed all new. Like every indignant piece of brick fell the wayward for a last chance grasp at progress. I hated it. And I drove fast. But some pics were snapped, and here they are.

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